1970 Chevelle Protect-O-Plate Warranty Card (Kansas City, MO)
[ 1965 ] | [ 1966 ] | [ 1967 ] | [ 1968 ] | [ 1969 ] | [ 1970 ] | [ 1971 ] | [ 1972 ]
Decode your Protect-O-Plate Warranty card
I have more examples but only list a few examples on this page. If you request help with yours, contact me and I'll be glad to answer any questions you have. Include a photo of the Protect-O-Plate as plants often deviate during the model year.
Only Atlanta (at least through November of 1969) and Kansas City abbreviated the engine suffix code and rear axle code to two letters omitting the initial "C" letter (e.g., TW for engine instead of CTW or CF for rear axle instead of CCF). Arlington, Baltimore, Flint, Van Nuys, and Oshawa used the full three letter code for these two items.
Muncie 4-speed manual transmission broadcast letters as well as A, B, or C designations were included on Arlington cards.
Note: GM offers 2 explanations on decoding the VIN.
Using the common 13637 as an example:
1. When describing the VIN plate: 1 ~ Chevrolet Division, 36 ~ Malibu
V8, 37 ~ 2-door sport coupe
2. When describing the POP: 13 ~ Chevelle, even number (2,4,6,8) is
a V8 - odd number (1,3,5) is a L6, 37 ~ 2-door sport coupe. The engine
designations of 2, 4, 6 or 8 for a V8 engine, and 1, 3, or 5 for a L6
engine was determined by the series.
A V8 Nomad would be 2, Greenbrier/Standard would be 4, Concours/Malibu
would be 6, and Concours Estate/Monte Carlo would be 8.
A L6 Nomad would be 1, Greenbrier/Standard would be 3, and Concours/Malibu
would be 5.
[ Arlington ] | [ Atlanta ] | [ Baltimore ] | [ Flint ] | [ Kansas City ] | [ Van Nuys ] | [ Oshawa ]

1st line:
136370K112020 ~ VIN
13637 ~ Chevelle (13), Malibu V8 (6), 2-door sport coupe (37)
0 ~ Model Year of Production ~ 1970
K ~ Final Assembly Plant ~ Kansas City, MO.
112020 ~ Sequence Assembly Number: 12,020th Chevelle at Kansas City
2nd line:
T0912KO ~ Engine Plant: Tonawanda Engine Plant, September 12 (0912),
402/375hp w/manual (KO)
KF0918B ~ Rear Axle Number: Positraction 3.55:1 ratio (KF), September 18 (0918),
Buffalo (B)
9 ~ Vehicle Build Month: September
3rd line:
P0M04 ~ Transmission Number: Muncie (P), 1970 (0), August 04 (M04)
Options |
1 | 1 | 3 | 3 | |||
G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
G-1 ~ Power Steering [RPO N40]
H-1~ Power Brakes [RPO J50]
I-3 ~ Radio [RPO U62 or U69 or U79]
J-3 ~ Disc Brakes [RPO J52]
Owner/dealer info: Original owner's name/address removed for obvious
privacy reasons.
Warning, this warranty card is fake. I have the fake build sheet for
this car as well.

1st line:
136370K112305 ~ VIN
13637 ~ Chevelle (13), Malibu V8 (6), 2-door sport coupe (37)
0 ~ Model Year of Production ~ 1970
K ~ Final Assembly Plant ~ Kansas City, MO.
112305 ~ Sequence Assembly Number: 12,305th Chevelle at Kansas City
2nd line:
T0813TX ~ Engine Plant: Tonawanda Engine Plant, August 13 (0813), L34
402/350hp w/manual (TX)
CW0918B ~ Rear Axle Number: 3.31:1 ratio (CW), September 18 (0918),
Buffalo (B)
O ~ Vehicle Build Month: October
3rd line:
P0M07 ~ Transmission Number: Muncie (P), 1970 (0), August 07 (M07)
Options |
1 | 1 | 3 | 3 | |||
G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
G-1 ~ Power Steering [RPO N40]
H-1~ Power Brakes [RPO J50]
I-3 ~ Radio [RPO U62 or U69 or U79]
J-3 ~ Disc Brakes [RPO J52]
Owner/dealer info: Original owner's name/address removed for obvious privacy reasons.

1st line:
136370K115891 ~ VIN
13637 ~ Chevelle (13), Malibu V8 (6), 2-door sport coupe (37)
0 ~ Model Year of Production ~ 1970
K ~ Final Assembly Plant ~ Kansas City, MO.
115891 ~ Sequence Assembly Number: 15,891st Chevelle at Kansas City
2nd line:
T0926TX ~ Engine Plant: Tonawanda Engine Plant, September 26 (0926),
L34 402/350hp w/manual (TX)
CF0925B ~ Rear Axle Number: Positraction 3.31:1 ratio (CF), September
25 (0925), Buffalo (B)
O ~ Vehicle Build Month: October
3rd line:
P0P25 ~ Transmission Number: Muncie (P), 1970 (0), September 25 (P25)
Options |
1 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 1 | ||
G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
G-1 ~ Power Steering [RPO N40]
H-1~ Power Brakes [RPO J50]
i-3 ~ Radio [RPO U62 or U69 or U79]
J-3 ~ Disc Brakes [RPO J52]
K-1 ~ Air Conditioning [RPO C60]
Owner/dealer info: Original owner's name/address removed for obvious privacy reasons.

Second owner warranty card
1st line:
136370K115950 ~ VIN
13637 ~ Chevelle (13), Malibu V8 (6), 2-door sport coupe (37)
0 ~ Model Year of Production ~ 1970
K ~ Final Assembly Plant ~ Kansas City, MO.
115950 ~ Sequence Assembly Number: 23,714th Chevelle at Kansas City
2nd line:
2 ~ Second owner
Last line:
5-50 ~ Original warranty period, 5 years or 50,000 miles
230 ~ Mileage in hundreds of miles at time of reissue (23,000)
12-9 ~ Date of delivery to original purchaser - December 1969
Owner/dealer info: Original owner's name/address removed for obvious privacy reasons.

Second owner warranty card
Courtesy Doug Rud
1st line:
136370K123714 ~ VIN
13637 ~ Chevelle (13), Malibu V8 (6), 2-door sport coupe (37)
0 ~ Model Year of Production ~ 1970
K ~ Final Assembly Plant ~ Kansas City, MO.
123714 ~ Sequence Assembly Number: 23,714th Chevelle at Kansas City
2nd line:
2 ~ Second owner
Last line:
5-50 ~ Original warranty period, 5 years or 50,000 miles
164 ~ Mileage in hundreds of miles at time of reissue (16,400)
01-0 ~ Date of delivery to original purchaser - January 1970
Owner/dealer info: Original owner's name/address removed for obvious privacy reasons.

1st line:
136370K125429 ~ VIN
13637 ~ Chevelle (13), Malibu V8 (6), 2-door sport coupe (37)
0 ~ Model Year of Production ~ 1970
K ~ Final Assembly Plant ~ Kansas City, MO.
125429 ~ Sequence Assembly Number: 25,429th Chevelle at Kansas City
R ~ Carburetor Source: Rochester
2nd line:
T1027TW ~ Engine Plant: Tonawanda Engine Plant, October 27 (1027), L34
402/350hp w/TH400 (TW)
CF1009B ~ Rear Axle Number: Positraction 3.31:1 ratio (CF), October
09 (1009), Buffalo (B)
N ~ Vehicle Build Month: November
3rd line:
70F287 ~ Transmission Number: 1970 (70), Turbo Hydramatic 400 engine
code 402/350hp (F), 287 being the 287th day counted from January 1,
1969...making it October 14, 1969.
Options |
1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | |||
G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
G-1 ~ Power Steering [RPO N40]
H-1~ Power Brakes [RPO J50]
J-3 ~ Disc Brakes [RPO J52]
K-1 ~ Air Conditioning [RPO C60]
Owner/dealer info: Original owner's name/address removed for obvious privacy reasons.

1st line:
136370K129295 ~ VIN
13637 ~ Chevelle (13), Malibu V8 (6), 2-door sport coupe (37)
0 ~ Model Year of Production ~ 1970
K ~ Final Assembly Plant ~ Kansas City, MO.
129295 ~ Sequence Assembly Number: 29,4295th29th Chevelle at Kansas
H ~ Carburetor Source: Holley
2nd line:
T1015KT ~ Engine Plant: Tonawanda Engine Plant, October 15 (1015), L78
402/375hp w/manual transmission & aluminum heads (KT)
KF1104B ~ Rear Axle Number: Positraction 3.55:1 ratio (KF), November
04 (1104), Buffalo (B)
N ~ Vehicle Build Month: November
3rd line:
P0M05 ~ Muncie (P). 1970 (0), August 05 (M05)
Options |
1 | 3 | 3 | ||||
G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
H-1~ Power Brakes [RPO J50]
I-3 ~ Radio [RPO U63/U69/U79]
J-3 ~ Disc Brakes [RPO J52]
Owner/dealer info: Original owner's name/address removed for obvious privacy reasons.

1st line:
136370K147379 ~ VIN
13637 ~ Chevelle (13), Malibu V8 (6), 2-door sport coupe (37)
0 ~ Model Year of Production ~ 1970
K ~ Final Assembly Plant ~ Kansas City, MO.
147379 ~ Sequence Assembly Number: 47,379th Chevelle at Kansas City
H ~ Carburetor Source: Holley
2nd line:
T1212CRV ~ Engine Plant: Tonawanda Engine Plant, December 12 (1212),
454/450hp w/Manual (CRV)
CRV1212B ~ Rear Axle Number: Positraction 4.10:1 ratio (CRV), December
12 (1212), Buffalo (B)
D ~ Vehicle Build Month: December
3rd line:
P0T12C ~ Transmission Number: Muncie (P), 1970 (0), December 12 (T12),
M22 (C)
Options |
1 | 1 | 3 | 3 | |||
G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
G-1 ~ Power Steering [RPO N40]
H-1~ Power Brakes [RPO J50]
I-3 ~ Radio [RPO U63/U69/U79]
J-3 ~ Disc Brakes [RPO J52]
Owner/dealer info: Original owner's name/address removed for obvious privacy reasons.

Courtesy Frank Bannon
1st line:
136370K151022 ~ VIN
13637 ~ Chevelle (13), Malibu V8 (6), 2-door sport coupe (37)
0 ~ Model Year of Production ~ 1970
K ~ Final Assembly Plant ~ Kansas City, MO.
151022 ~ Sequence Assembly Number: 51,022nd Chevelle at Kansas City
R ~ Carburetor Source: Rochester
2nd line:
T1230RE ~ Engine Plant: Tonawanda Engine Plant, December 30 (1230),
L48 350-4/300hp w/TH350 (RE)
KD1208B ~ Rear Axle Number: 2.73:1 ratio (KD), December 08 (1208), Buffalo
1 ~ Vehicle Build Month: January
3rd line:
Y0T29 ~ Transmission Number: TH350 Toledo (Y) TH350, 1970 (0) December
29 (T29)
Options |
1 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 1 | ||
G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
G-1 ~ Power Steering [RPO N40]
H-1~ Power Brakes [RPO J50]
I-3 ~ Radio [RPO U63/U69/U79]
J-3 ~ Disc Brakes [RPO J52]
K-1 ~ Air Conditioning [RPO C60]
Owner/dealer info: Original owner's name/address removed for obvious privacy reasons.

Courtesy Walter Lewis
1st line:
136370K160138 ~ VIN
13637 ~ Chevelle (13), Malibu V8 (6), 2-door sport coupe (37)
0 ~ Model Year of Production ~ 1970
K ~ Final Assembly Plant ~ Kansas City, MO.
160138 ~ Sequence Assembly Number: 60,138th Chevelle at Kansas City
R ~ Carburetor Source: Rochester
2nd line:
T0114TW ~ Engine Plant: Tonawanda Engine Plant, January 14 (0114), L34
402/350hp w/TH400 (TW)
CW0121B ~ Rear Axle Number: 3.31:1 ratio (CW), January 21 (0121), Buffalo
2 ~ Vehicle Build Month: February
3rd line:
70F379 ~ Transmission Number: 1970 (70), Turbo Hydramatic 400 engine
code 402/350hp (F), 379 being the 379th day counted from January 1,
1969... making it January 14, 1970. (379-365=14)
Options |
1 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 1 | ||
G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
G-1 ~ Power Steering [RPO N40]
H-1~ Power Brakes [RPO J50]
I-3 ~ Radio [RPO U63/U69/U79]
J-3 ~ Disc Brakes [RPO J52]
K-1 ~ Air Conditioning [RPO C60]
Owner/dealer info: Original owner's name/address removed for obvious privacy reasons.

1st line:
136370K165376 ~ VIN
13637 ~ Chevelle (13), Malibu V8 (6), 2-door sport coupe (37)
0 ~ Model Year of Production ~ 1970
K ~ Final Assembly Plant ~ Kansas City, MO.
165376 ~ Sequence Assembly Number: 65,376th Chevelle at Kansas City
R ~ Carburetor Source: Rochester
2nd line:
T0130RT ~ Engine Plant: Tonawanda Engine Plant, January 30 (0130), LS5
454/360hp w/manual (RT)
RV1114B ~ Rear Axle Number: Positraction 3.31:1 ratio (RV), November
14 (1114), Buffalo (B)
2 ~ Vehicle Build Month: February
3rd line:
P0B04 ~ Transmission Number: Muncie (P), 1970 (0), February 04 (B04)
Options |
1 | 1 | 3 | 3 | |||
G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
G-1 ~ Power Steering [RPO N40]
H-1~ Power Brakes [RPO J50]
I-3 ~ Radio [RPO U63/U69/U79]
J-3 ~ Disc Brakes [RPO J52]
Owner/dealer info: Original owner's name/address removed for obvious privacy reasons.