1965 Chevelle Protect-O-Plate Warranty Card (Framingham, MA)
[ 1965 ] | [ 1966 ] | [ 1967 ] | [ 1968 ] | [ 1969 ] | [ 1970 ] | [ 1971 ] | [ 1972 ]
I have more examples but only list a few examples on this page. If you request help with yours, contact me and I'll be glad to answer any questions you have. Include a photo of the Protect-O-Plate as plants often deviate during the model year.
Note that 1965 was the first year the Protect-O-Plate was introduced and, as you'll notice, different final assembly plants created their Protect-O-Plates a little differently - particularly Fremont, CA.
Note: GM offers 2 explanations on decoding the VIN.
Using the common 13637 as an example:
1. When describing the VIN plate: 1 ~ Chevrolet Division, 36 ~ Malibu
V8, 37 ~ 2-door sport coupe
2. When describing the POP: 13 ~ Chevelle, even number (2,4,6,8) is
a V8 - odd number (1,3,5,7) is a L6, 37 ~ 2-door sport coupe. The engine
designations of 2, 4, 6, or 8 for a V8 engine, and 1, 3, 5, or 7 for
a L6 engine was determined by the series.
An L6 Chevelle 300 would be 1, 300 Deluxe would be 3, Malibu
would be 5, and Malibu SS would be 7.
A V8 Chevelle 300 would be 2, 300 Deluxe would be 4, Malibu would be
6, and Malibu SS would be 8.
[ Atlanta ] | [ Baltimore ] | [ Framingham ] | [ Fremont ] | [ Kansas City ]
Framingham, Massachusetts
1st line:
B ~ Interior Trim: Flue
DD ~ Body Exterior Paint (lower-upper): Mist Blue
3 ~ Radio Option: Push button AM radio [RPO U63]
2nd line:
135375G101650 ~ VIN
13537 ~ Chevelle (13), Malibu L6 (5), sport coupe (37)
5 ~ Model Year of Production: 1965
G ~ Final Assembly Plant: Framingham, MA
101650 ~ Sequence Assembly Number: 1,650th Chevelle sequenced at Framingham
3rd line:
F0828CC ~ Engine Code: Flint Engine Plant (F), August 28 (0828), 230/140hp
w/Powerglide (CC)
B ~ Carburetor Source: Bay City
C0902 ~ Transmission Number: Cleveland (C), September 02 (0902)
4th line:
CA0831W ~ Rear Axle Number: 3.08:1 ratio (CA), August 311 (0521), Warren,
MI (W)
P ~ Vehicle Build Month: September
Owner/dealer info: Original owner's name/address removed for obvious privacy reasons.

1st line:
F ~ Interior Trim: Fawn
VV ~ Body Exterior Paint (lower-upper): Cameo Beige
1 ~ Power steering only [RPO N40]
2nd line:
133695G128142 ~ VIN
13369 ~ Chevelle (13), 300 Deluxe L6 (3), 4-door sedan (69)
5 ~ Model Year of Production: 1965
G ~ Final Assembly Plant: Framingham, MA
128142 ~ Sequence Assembly Number: 28,142nd Chevelle sequenced at Framingham
3rd line:
T0330AL ~ Engine Code: Tonawanda Engine Plant (T), March 30 (0330),
194/120hp w/Powerglide (AL)
R ~ Carburetor Source: Rochester
T0322 ~ Transmission Number: Toledo (T), March 22 (0322)
4th line:
CA0401B ~ Rear Axle Number: 3.08:1 ratio (CA), April 1 (0521), Buffalo,
NY (B)
W ~ Vehicle Build Month: April
Owner/dealer info: Original owner's name/address removed for obvious privacy reasons.

1st line:
B ~ Interior Trim: Blue
EE ~ Body Exterior Paint (lower-upper): Danube Blue
3 ~ Radio Option: Push button AM radio [RPO U63]
1 ~ Windshield Wiper Option: Comfort & Convenience Group with standard
mirror [RPO Z01]
2nd line:
136375G137404 ~ VIN
13637 ~ Chevelle (13), Malibu V8 (6), 2-door sport coupe (37)
5 ~ Model Year of Production: 1965
G ~ Final Assembly Plant: Framingham, MA
137404 ~ Sequence Assembly Number: 37,404th Chevelle sequenced at Framingham
3rd line:
F0514EC ~ Engine Code: Flint Engine Plant (F), May 14 (0514), 327/350hp
w/HD manual (EC)
H ~ Carburetor Source: Holley
P0511 ~ Transmission Number: Muncie (P), May 11 (0511)
4th line:
CF0521B ~ Rear Axle Number: Positraction 3.31:1 ratio (CF), May 21 (0521),
Buffalo, NY (B)
V ~ Vehicle Build Month: May
Owner/dealer info: Original owner's name/address removed for obvious privacy reasons.

1st line:
A ~ Interior Trim: Aqua
KK ~ Body Exterior Paint (lower-upper): Artesian Turquoise
1 ~ Windshield Wiper Option: Comfort & Convenience Group with standard
mirror [RPO Z01]
2nd line:
131115G140660 ~ VIN
13111 ~ Chevelle (13), 300 L6 (1), 2-door sedan (11)
5 ~ Model Year of Production: 1965
G ~ Final Assembly Plant: Framingham, MA
140660 ~ Sequence Assembly Number: 40,660th Chevelle sequenced at Framingham
3rd line:
T0610AL ~ Engine Code: Tonawanda Engine Plant (T), June 10 (0610), 194/120hp
w/Powerglide (AL)
B ~ Carburetor Source: Bay City
T0609 ~ Transmission Number: Toledo (T), June 09 (0609)
4th line:
CA0607W ~ Rear Axle Number: 3.08:1 ratio (CA), June 07 (0607), Warren,
MI (W)
T ~ Vehicle Build Month: June
Owner/dealer info: Original owner's name/address removed for obvious privacy reasons.

1st line:
E ~ Interior Trim: Black
RR ~ Body Exterior Paint (lower-upper): Regal Red
1 ~ Power steering only [RPO N40]
1 ~ Windshield Wiper Option: Comfort & Convenience Group with standard
mirror [RPO Z01]
2nd line:
138375G141274 ~ VIN
13837 ~ Chevelle (13), Malibu SS V8 (8), 2-door sport coupe (37)
5 ~ Model Year of Production: 1965
G ~ Final Assembly Plant: Framingham, MA
141274 ~ Sequence Assembly Number: 41,274th Chevelle sequenced at Framingham
3rd line:
T0608DB ~ Engine Code: Tonawanda Engine Plant (T), June 08 (0608), 283/195hp
w/manual 4-speed (DB)
B ~ Carburetor Source: Bay City
P0611 ~ Transmission Number: Muncie (P), June 11 (0611)
4th line:
CE0618B ~ Rear Axle Number: Positraction 3.08:1 ratio (CE), June 18
(0618), Buffalo, NY (B)
T ~ Vehicle Build Month: June
Owner/dealer info: Original owner's name/address removed for obvious privacy reasons.